Thursday, July 26, 2007

My most valuable thing

Family is my most valuable thing. Because of them I know my self who am I, they give my needs and the most of all they give me care and to study to private school. Family is the treasure in our life. All in my life I realize that Family is very imprtant in our life, parents without them I dont know who am I or I dont know what life that I have.

Family is a group of individuals living under one roof and under one head. In my life my dream is to finish my studies to help my family someday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Nickname and my Birthdate

Because this is my nickname and my Birthday. JAY means my nickname and 03 is my Birhday. I wrote this tittle because this tittle show me who am I. and this Blog tittle is my favorite which is my nickname and my Birthday, and my favorite number is my Birthday when I play Basketball League I choose my Bithdate 03. I don't know why my Nickname named Jay my parents know it but I ask them later, but now this Nickname is the best named in the world. All of us in our family is our name start with letter J my father,mother,sister and Brothers is J.